2022 Annual report

It is easy for us as humans to get caught up in the numbers and forget about the people. Yes, this report represents over a million dollars given, but the dollars would mean nothing if not for the lives that are being changed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Faith is more than just a building we call church. It is a place of hope for the hopeless–where people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures can find faith for their future.

As you scroll through the pages of this annual report, celebrate with us the incredible things God has done right here in Manchester and around the world.

Crystal and I say “thank you” to every faithful giver. Thank you for making God a priority in your finances. You have made a difference once again in 2022.


Kent W. Elliott
Senior Pastor

Faith TV

Faith Tabernacle TV is streaming on all the most popular streaming devices, such as Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Android TV and on smartphone’s iOS and Google Play. Why are we on all these platforms? Because 80% of the homes in our community have at least one of these streaming devices. The vision is for more than just Sunday sermons, but we will be developing content that deal with relative topics that will minster to those in our community. If you haven’t downloaded our app yet on any of these devices, you can search for Faith Tabernacle TV and begin streaming today!

  • Series – We continue to develop, film, and publish our FAITH TV Mini-Series every month.Each series is comprised of three episodes, 5-8 minutes in length with topics to reach those in Manchester and surrounding communities.
  • Stories – We love hearing the Faith Stories of lives that have been changed right here in our church.Our prayer is that these Stories will inspire and move people towards God, and they will start a relationship with Him.

At Elevate Youth Ministries, we strive to create a place where your students can belong, love God, grow in their relationship with Him, and become the person God wants them to be. This past year has been an incredible year of personal growth for our students. From our exciting summer program to our highly anticipated Youth Retreat, our students were able to experience God in a deep, personal way while impacting the community around them. Thank you for your support of Elevate; we are proud to serve the youth of Faith.

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Our 7th Elevate Your Summer was incredible! Here are some of the highlights:

  1.  We kept our summer tradition by having our two biggest events….. Water Wars and Color Wars! They are ALWAYS a fan favorite.
  2. We had over 10 MVP’s! Each of these students raised over $750 to contribute to our grand total of raising over $26,000 for missions around the world and here at home. To accomplish this, our students worked hard, and with a lot of creativity….everything from yard work and house cleaning to a pancake breakfast!
  3. For the second year in a row, CONGRATULATIONS to our middle school team for being the winning team of the summer!
Our Leaders In Training program continues to be an important part of the foundation of Elevate. Seeing students from 6th grade to college-age developing the skills needed to become leaders in the church to help grow the work here at Faith and impact God’s Kingdom has been incredible! This program has continued to grow, and more students have joined. You may see these students on Sundays taking photos, recording video, working in Kids Rock, greeting, or putting words on the screens up. Each of these areas are essential to a smooth, effective church service. If you see these students hard at work, please continue to encourage them and let them know how thankful we are for their willingness to work for the Kingdom!

Youth Retreat

Youth Retreat was hands-down the highlight of the summer. This year, we took over 50 students and leaders to a beautiful lakeside campground for 5 days to get away from normal life and connect with God in a unique way. Throughout the week, we heard repeatedly just how much it meant to connect with God without distractions. During the life-changing week, we shared testimonies, laughed together, had fun, and created memories that will stay with these students for years to come. To top it off, we baptized one in that lake in the mighty name of Jesus. We are so proud of the steps taken by our youth and absolutely amazed at what God did during Youth Retreat. Thank you for investing so that your students can have events like these.

This year was another incredible year for our children’s ministry, Kids Rock! Each week, Kids Rock has an experience geared just for kids between the ages 3 months and 5th grade. You can learn more about Kids Rock at kidsrock.faith.

That Kids Rock Show

In 2022, we continued our online Kids Rock experience called That Kids Rock Show. That Kids Rock Show has content for the whole family, including action songs, games, and lessons geared just for kids. Be sure to check out That Kids Rock Show at tv.faithtabernacle.com!


We had a great time at VBS 2022! Our theme was SUBMERGED–Diving into God’s Word. We had three incredible days packed with games, action songs and most importantly, Bible lessons and prayer time geared just for our kids. On Saturday, we also had a cookout for the whole family and ended with a VBS finale on Sunday. It was great to have guest speaker from New Brunswick, Canada, Mikko Carter with us as well!

Backpack Give Back

In 2022, we partnered again with the Town of Manchester in blessing our community with funds to purchase backpacks and school supplies. Because of your generosity, we were able to donate $3,416 to the families in Manchester. Thank you for giving!

Block Party

The Block Party is back! Thanks to support from our various business partners, we had an amazing day filled with bounce houses, a rock wall, petting zoo, free food and giveaways! An estimated 500 people were in attendance. Thank you to everyone who made this day possible!

Bible Quizzing

This year was another incredible year for our Junior Bible Quizzers as they studied the book of Proverbs! Our quizzers practiced each week and ended their year with a trip to Worchester, MA in which they competed against other churches. Go quizzers!


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People took their giving to the next level!

Giving Challenges

How we steward the treasures that God entrusts in us is a big deal to Him.  We will give an account one day and will be judged according to what He has given to us.  So, if it is important to God, it is important to us.  Every spring and fall, we take a service to reflect on what His Word says about giving.  At the end of each of these services, we present a four-month giving challenge to encourage everyone to take their giving to the next level.  We celebrate 82 individuals that took this challenge in 2022.

Antonio & Roselind Lopez

In December 2021, the Lord spoke to Antonio about tithing. We spoke and agreed to honor the word of the Lord and start to present our full tithe to Him. Prior, we were partially tithing one income. God had always been so faithful to us regarding provision through the years, but I believe God wanted to make us right before His throne room and silence the accuser who was on the prowl to devour our finances. We had plans to get house repairs done, which we always had to put off because there weren’t enough funds. We were paying taxes to the government yearly, and there was never enough at the end of the month.

However, all of this changed in 2022. God was faithful to His word, the floodgates of heaven opened, and blessings were poured out. First, our taxes were addressed, and we ended up getting a refund for the years we paid with interest (better than a regular savings)! Our filing for 2021 came out to a prefect 7-dollar refund! Only God!!! Secondly, we noticed we were tithing, covering our bills, and ending the month with extra! The financial stress we carried before were no longer there. Thirdly, those house repairs got done. Lastly, we started Dave Ramsey FPU here at Faith and paid off debts. This year when we filed our taxes, our tax advisor said, ‘actually because of your giving your numbers worked and you’re getting a refund.’ We both looked at each other and said, “This was God!” The enemy’s legal right has been severed and it’s been amazing seeing God not only transform our finances in 2022 but our spiritual lives.

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Every Easter, we give a sacrificial offering for our building fund, focused on improving our campus at 110 Utopia Rd. This year, the bulk of the offering was used to improve the outside of our building. We added a new overhang in our front entrance, new sidewalks with a drive up to the front entrance. Plus, we repainted in FAITH RED over the doors in the entry way. In addition, we were able to continue to add to our audio and video equipment as we continue to concentrate in the continued improvement of our online campus.
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The Christmas season is always a time of generosity and gift giving to others. We love this time of the year. Here at FAITH, we make a big deal about giving our best gift to Christ for Christmas. This annual sacrificial giving goes towards mission projects around the world and even right here locally. Thank you for sacrificing for others. Thank you for helping the gospel reach around the world. Your sacrifice has help change thousands of lives.

Dave Simonu

Helping with our missionaries is an honor that our Lord has given us. They are reaching many children and adults in countries where most of us will never go. Jesus sent his Apostles out to teach the Gospel throughout the world. I feel that I’m helping in a small way to get His word out. Thank you, Missionaries!

Dennis Tetreault

I thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for blessing me with a country where I can seek, love and worship Him openly. I give to missions so my offerings can be an effective tool in reaching people who are not as fortunate. I pray that my offering be applied to break down the strongholds in this world. My hope, through missions, is that lost souls are reached, and God’s Word and Holy Spirit prevail.

Global Missions

  • Missionary John and Jayne Smith – $12,550
  • KQ Ministries – $9,000
  • Orphanages:
      • Philippines – Hope Village $5,000
      • Haiti – The Brock House $5,000
      • Guatemala – HOME International – $5,000
  • Move the Mission – $5,000
  • Save Our Children – $8,000
  • Mothers Memorial – $6,000
  • Missionary Brad Thompson – $2,000
  • Missionary Kendra Shock – $1,000
  • Compassion Service International – $2,000
  • Global Missionary Monthly Partners – $5520

North American Missions

  • Christmas for Christ – $10,000
  • New Beginnings Adoption Agency – $5,000
  • Multicultural Ministries – $1,000
  • North American Missions Monthly Partners $4,200

Local Missions

  • MACC Kitchens – $2,000
  • Elevate Youth Ministries – $3,000



Kurt Arnold

I have been attending Faith Tabernacle for over a year, and my world has been entirely different since rediscovering a relationship with God. I came to Faith believing in God; I was unsure what to think religion-wise. Not too long after attending several Sunday services, I started a bible study with the children’s pastor, Pastor Josh Combs, who guided me through my biblical journey, learning new truths while reading the Bible and having discussions. This kickstarted my journey with reading my word each day. While Pastor Josh personally oversaw my biblical journey, Senior Pastor Kent and Crystal Elliot were excellent sources of information. I asked many questions during this time and learned much from their sermons. Last year, on Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Kent came to me during the end of the worship service and asked me if I felt I was ready to be baptized, giving me a brief overview of how the Bible explains we are to be baptized. I agreed, as my Bible studies had shown me the knowledge and given me confidence to make the next step. As I laid back into the water, with several pastors, friends, and family praying over me, I felt the overwhelming sensation of my past mistakes and the trauma I once experienced being washed away; I was reborn.

While I did not initially receive the gift of the Holy Ghost the day I was baptized, I followed along closely with the sermons that Pastor Kent and Crystal Elliot gave each Sunday and Tuesday night, striving for the wisdom and confidence to discover what I still held onto, holding me from this gift. During this time, I learned how to pray, read the Bible, and, most importantly, repent. On the first Sunday of November, I received the gift of the Holy Ghost. At the end of the service, when we had our altar call, where the entire church came to the altar to pray, the student pastor, Pastor Johnny Medina, came to pray with me. He asked if I had ever received the gift before, to which I answered no. Pastor Johnny placed one hand on my forehead and the other on my left shoulder and prayed with me exclusively for the entire ending of worship. I had never felt the presence of God in such a manner. It was overwhelming to me; having studied the Bible with Pastor Josh, learned in my own time, and prayed, I still had never felt God’s presence like this, and then I received the gift. This incredible and unforgettable moment meant the world to me, and I still remember every detail.

My time at Faith can be described in one word, life-changing. I came to Faith as a believer in God, but I had never felt the presence of God in my life. The pastoral team at Faith gave me the tools and knowledge to seek God on my own, providing phenomenal support whenever I fell short. To this day, I am grateful for every person who contributed to my spiritual growth and the transformation in my life.


Freddy Taveras, Sr

In my process, I started off as a homeless, drug addict who bumped into a man of God from our church whose name is Fred Zimmerman. He invited me to this church and offered a Bible study. I started going to this church and fell in love with God. I begin to believe in the Word of God as I continued to have Bible studies. I got baptized. I started a business, and I received the gift of the Holy Ghost six years after my baptism. Since I started giving God my attention, He has always been blessing me. Owning a business may not be easy but every time I don’t know where my next job is coming from, God always provides for my family and has even blessed me with the gift of owning my own property.

Reports from studies in 2022 showed that, statistically, the percentage of food insecurity across the state of Connecticut was up as high as 17%. When comparing county by county, trends showed that rates being reported were higher than those in previous years. These results mirrored studies used to assess the food insecurity rate across the entire nation. The necessity for organizations and individuals to step up and try to meet or help alleviate the rising needs were profound. Without knowing those statistics, Faith, YOU stepped up, joined the fight against food insecurity, and met every need asked of you, as we served our Manchester community.

In 2022, homelessness in Connecticut rose an astonishing 13% compared to the rates reported 2021. Shelters across the state were continually at capacity, forcing individuals and families to find food and alternative shelter elsewhere…most times ending up on the streets. You have committed monthly to aiding our homeless population in Manchester, and we’ve been able to serve and assist between 18-20 individuals with finding resources to keep them warm and fed faithfully!

Faith continued its affiliation with Connecticut Foodshare’s Mobile Food Pantry. Partnering with them has allowed us to address the access issues and transportation barriers many families have been facing that has attributed to food insecurity. In 2022, Faith served 1500 visitors! That’s an increase of 48.5% compared to those we served in 2021! In addition, Faith was able to form a new partnership with Midwest Food Bank in Manchester. As Midwest serves Faith by distributing bulk food items, it increased Faith’s ability to provide food relief to even more families in the Manchester community.

This next generation is our future and your continued support to the Manchester school system has proven just how invested you are in their success. Throughout the 2022 school year, you continued to support the students and families of Illing Middle School and Manchester Regional Academy with food, clothing, and essentials such as toiletries and household items that many have found difficult to afford. You supplied 103 backpacks with age-appropriate supplies for students, ensuring that they were properly equipped to start their school year. For Thanksgiving, Faith provided an overwhelming 100 Thanksgiving meals! Seventy of the meals were donated to Manchester Regional Academy—enough to feed EVERY SINGLE STUDENT in their school system! For Christmas, YOU supplied 30 families with gifts, toys, clothing, and food, ensuring that those children would have a very merry Christmas.

In 2022, there were countless hugs given, thank-you notes written, and tears shed because of your generosity. Faith, you continue to exceed expectations and we will never be able to articulate the impact you make on the families living in our community. You are appreciated, you are loved, and you are making a difference! THANK YOU for your continued support to P25!

Orphanages We Support

Ke Nan Ke means “Heart to Heart” in Haitian. The orphanage, The Brock House, is a children’s home in Haiti that provides for children whose families are unable to care for them. The poverty rate, complicated by natural disasters, means that many children find themselves on the streets without food or shelter. Your sponsorship of The Brock House makes it possible for 16 children to know what it feels like to go to sleep in a safe place, with a full belly, and a hope for a brighter future.
HOME International is a children’s home in Guatemala that provides faith, family, and a future for kids in need. This orphanage works to fight for the rights of children while giving them the tools needed for a better future. Your partnership provides food, a quality education, 24-hour care, medical attention, and, most importantly, an introduction to the hope found in Jesus Christ.
Hope Village in the Philippines brings hope to the hopeless in a country where poverty is widespread. With a medical clinic and soon-to-open children’s home, this organization is focused on spreading the love of Jesus through humanitarian aid. Your sponsorship helps save children in deep poverty and offers hope for their future.

©2022 Faith Tabernacle  |  Designed by: Faithworks Image Consulting